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Isabelle Cassidy, Divinitus. Bachelor of Design + Digital Media, Year 3, Student work, Whitecliffe College, graphic design, Greek mythology, cards

Isabelle Cassidy

Design Innovation

Bachelor of Design + Digital Media, Year 3 Student project

Bachelor of Design + Digital Media

I want to centre my project around Greek mythology because I love gaining knowledge and having a deeper understanding of how our predecessors viewed the world and the way that they explained things like the seasons and other natural phenomena. I want to be able to share what I know and have conversations around Greek mythology that challenge my perception of the myths and stories as I know them.

My final design output needed to incorporate visual storytelling, engage a modern audience, educate users on Greek mythology, and encourage social engagement and conversations between peers surrounding a shared curiosity of Greek mythology. To make the cards accessible to a wider audience, I included the names of the gods and their divine roles. This allows even those with little or no knowledge of Greek mythology to enjoy and use the cards, adding an educational element as users learn about each god. I believe the Deity Deck achieved all these goals.

I illustrated the Gods using a modern, on-trend style while still referencing ancient Greek art and maintaining my personal illustrative style. This balance was crucial to ensure the cards appealed to our target audience while remaining historically authentic.

The Deity Deck allows the user to learn in a fun environment and fosters a community of people interested in Greek mythology.
