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Ad Astra

Bradley Jones, Ad Astra, Bachelor of Design & Digital Media, student work, Whitecliffe College, Graphic design, book, children’s literature, card design, Brand for children’s literature, InDesign Illustrator

Bradley Jones

Design Innovation

Bachelor of Design + Digital Media, Year 3 Brand for children’s literature

Bachelor of Design + Digital Media

Ad Astra is the outcome of my interest in storytelling and the ways in which it can empower people, inspire their imaginations, entertain them, and provide them with knowledge. I have designed Ad Astra to be an umbrella brand for children’s literature, both a part of and distinct from individual books bearing the name.

The book is designed to be used in a shared reading environment, and many aspects of its design aid with that. There is enough room for both illustration and text on the same page, so that it’s easier for two people to read side-by-side. The colours are vibrant and limited to a handful of shades for consistency and to allow children to recognise the same characters across the entirety of the book. Colour also helps younger readers focus on the imagery while the words are read to them, immersing them into the story. Having both text and imagery encourages dialogue between readers and children and adds another dimension of interest and exploration.

Indesign was used to create the layout, with all illustrations and story illustrated and written by myself. Learning how to book bind was also an invaluable part of the creative and prototyping process.
