One Thousand Cuts on Paper | One Thousand Hand Pushed Pins into Wall
Danielle Thomson
With this series, I am investigating body and time by employing various repetitive actions to record process. Movements with the body, like movements in life, can never be replicated precisely even if repeated. This is a reminder for us to remain present and embrace each moment's differences. The repetition in y work has allowed me to break free from the constant noise of the mind. Likewise, the repetitive presence of each element opens a space for stilling the mind.
1. One Thousand Seconds of Breathing. Moving image. 16 minutes, 40 seconds
2. One Thousand Inhales and Exhales. Diptych, each 500 x 500mm
3. One Thousand Cuts on Paper. Paper with incisions, 450 x 630mm
4. One Thousand Hand Pushed Pins into Wall. One thousand pins on wall
5. One Thousand Seconds of Pouring Water into Cups. Audio, 16 minutes, 40 seconds
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