Elemental Studies | Gum Drop Field | Copper Installation
Hollie Teutscher
This body of work explores unseen information and the forces of life. The work started with an exploration of foraged and organic materials which led to further investigation into the intricacies of matter and a desire to understand life more deeply.
Elemental Studies is a series of paintings employing found or foraged natural and mineral paint materials on paper. These works explore the way these inks and paints interact with each other, sometimes bonding, at other times, resisting. These reactions highlight the properties of elements such as copper, which is a great conductor of energy, and iron oxide, which is magnetic.
In Gum Drop Field foraged Eucalyptus seed pods take the form of a magnetic field, mimicking patterns made by iron filaments when driven by unseen magnetic forces.
In Copper Installation a line of delicate gum seed pods have each been individually cast in copper, highlighting the notion of energy and transformation.
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