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Design Innovation

Bachelor of Design + Digital Media

A comprehensive programme designed to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge required to thrive in the dynamic fields of design and digital media.


Overall, the programme offers a balanced and integrated approach, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills, and preparing students to become innovative and responsible design professionals.

Bachelor of Design and Digital Media, Design Innovation, Graphic Design


The degree is anchored within the three pillars of design innovation to ensure graduates are equipped to enter employment, or entrepreneurial ventures, with a sound foundation in criticality, creativity, and connectedness.

The programme includes Interactive Design, Motion Design, Design Thinking, UX and UI, Web and App development, Hybrid Reality, Emerging and Future Design Technologies, Entrepreneurship, Human Centered Design and Graphic Design.

You will develop communication skills through collaboration, negotiation with stakeholders including community projects, live briefs, and internships.

The programme promotes innovative, experimental and reflective approaches to emerging and future design ideas and technologies, encouraging students to develop their own independent practices and employment opportunities to fulfil the needs of design industries, now and in the future.

Finally, the design solution must be viable and fit the client’s business model. Of equal importance, the design solution should be sustainable and add value commercially, socio-economically, and culturally.


3 Years


Key Dates

February 2025 Intake




Available Locations

Auckland City Symonds Street Campus
Manukau Campus
Wellington Campus


Fees indicated are for 1st year of study. 2nd and 3rd Year fees may vary.
Fees free may apply.
All 2025 fees are subject to change and regulatory approval.

Domestic: $7,939 + $300 Student Services Levy

International: $27,000 + $300 Student Services Levy

"A valuable part of the programme is having access to professional designers and guest lectures as well as industry internships that help build confidence, grow your network and learn about what it is really like to work in the Creative Industries.” Ken Khun - Alumni

Future study options:

Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma or Masters in a related area
Bachelor of Design + Digital Media, student work, end of year exhibition, publication design

Academic Calendar

2025 Academic Calendars

Key Student Information

NZ Government key information link for students.


Bachelor of Design + Digital Media
NZQA Level 7 (360 Credits)

Where could this programme take you?

Graduates of the Bachelor of Design and Digital Media are connected, critical thinkers who behave sustainably, stay relevant, and are culturally capable and employable.
Graduates will lead the conversation on the future of design leadership and its impact.


Graduates will be able to:


  • Apply creative curiosity, design business awareness as well as emerging and future design technologies to positively impact local and global design-related industries.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the role of innovation, contemporary concepts and design technologies in an entrepreneurial business environment for commercial outcomes.
  • Create design outputs through the lens of cultural perspectives, including Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking in the process of innovative design and awareness of the impact design innovation may have on human activity.
  • Apply analytical engagement, contextualised information, and innovative storytelling skills to demonstrate professional communication skills relevant to creative industry stakeholders.
  • Apply digital technology and human centred approaches to the business of design to identify global creative conventions contributing to interconnected design disciplines.
  • Demonstrate responsible awareness for local and global sustainable, environmental longevity of the design lifecycle.
Creative Director
Digital Designer
UX/UI Designer
Graphic Designer (Digital Agency)

Featured student work

Featured Alumni

Admission Requirements

Applicants must

Have achieved NCEA Level 3 or above and 20 credits at NCEA Level 2 or above, including:

  • NCEA Level 3; 14 credits each in three approved subjects and UE Literacy (NCEA Level 2 or above; 10 credits with 5 credits each in reading and writing) and UE Numeracy (NCEA Level 1 or above; 10 credits)


  • A relevant qualification at Level 3 on the NZQF or above and the equivalent of UE Literacy and Numeracy


  • New Zealand Certificate in Digital Media (Level 4)


  • New Zealand Certificate in Art and Design (Level 4)


  • A New Zealand or overseas qualification assessed to be equivalent to the above by the Head of School


  • Passes in other certificate/diploma qualifications
    or courses as considered appropriate by the Head
    of School.

Applicants who do not meet the above criteria may be eligible for admission with the approval of the Head of School.


International applicants must

  • Turn 18 within their first year of study at Whitecliffe
  • Have achieved prior to enrolling an IELTS Academic score of 6.0 with no band score lower than 5.5 or equivalent (whitecliffe.ac.nz/english-proficiency-outcome)
  • Hold a New Zealand or overseas qualification assessed by NZQA to be equivalent to any
    stated above
  • Meet New Zealand visa entry requirements

Faculty Members

The vast majority of our team have extensive experience within their respective industries. This is key in helping us ensure our graduates have the real-world skills they need for a successful career and bright future.

Rob Mills, Lecturer, Design Innovation, Faculty, Whitecliffe employee, Whitecliffe staff, Whitecliffe team, Whitecliffe member

Rob Mills


Design Innovation

Rob Mills is a design thinker, educator, and creative freelancer with a Master’s degree in Digi ...

Rebecca Steedman, Programme Leader, Design Innovation, Faculty, Whitecliffe employee, Whitecliffe staff, Whitecliffe team, Whitecliffe member

Rebecca Steedman

Programme Leader

Design Innovation

Rebecca Steedman is a design educator, designer, and artist with over 12 years of educational exp ...

Rebecca Stokes, Becky, Lecturer, Design Innovation, Faculty, Employee, staff, Whitecliffe, Team, Member

Becky Stokes


Design Innovation

Becky’s experience ranges in the fields of digital media, marketing, and videography. She holds ...

Chris Chong, Lecturer (Contractor), Design Innovation, Faculty, employee, staff, Whitecliffe, team, member

Chris Chong

Lecturer (Contractor)

Design Innovation

Chris has over 36 years of commercial experience in the creative industry. Including 30 years as ...

Mark Bradford, Senior Lecturer, Design Innovation, Faculty, employee, staff, Whitecliffe, team, member

Dr Mark Bradford

Senior Lecturer

Design Innovation

Dr. Mark Bradford has a PhD (Business, Massey University), MFA (Intermedia, RMIT University) and ...

Roman Mitch, Lecturer, Leading Researcher, Design Innovation, Faculty, employee, staff, Whitecliffe, team, membermember

Dr Roman Mitch

Lecturer / Leading Researcher

Design Innovation

Roman is an artist and full-stack developer with a long-standing involvement in the arts and cult ...

Uelese Vavae, Lecturer, Design Innovation, Design, Faculty, Whitecliffe employee, Whitecliffe staff, Whitecliffe team, Whitecliffe member

Uelese Vavae


Design Innovation

Uelese is a graduate of the Whitecliffe School of Fine Arts and is teaching the Certificate of Di ...