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Whitecliffe FAQ on COVID-19


Whitecliffe FAQ on COVID-19

Are there any official statements issued by Whitecliffe regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)?


The Whitecliffe website is kept up-to-date with the latest information on how we are responding to this situation. Whitecliffe is also in regular communication with students, faculty and staff with updates.


Is Whitecliffe still accepting applications? Will there be any delays for the acceptance amidst COVID-19?


Our Admissions Team are maintaining regular operations and we do not expect any delays in assessing applications and issuing offer letters.


Will upcoming intakes automatically start with remote and online teaching class in their first day?


At this stage we are expecting our campus to be open again for classes before our next new intake however, some classes such as Technology may begin online. We will update this question as soon as we know more.


Will the health insurance cover COVID-19?


The Ministry of Health have advised that COVID-19 related hospital care will now be covered under the public healthcare system. This applies to anybody in New Zealand regardless of the insurance policy held and visa or citizenship status.


Your health insurance will continue to provide cover for non COVID-19 claims, subject to policy conditions.


Are there any supports given by Whitecliffe throughout an isolation period or lock down?


Yes, students who are self-isolating will have access to support through our Pastoral Care team. Pastoral care sessions can be done via email, phone or zoom. Email your pastoral care consultant to book in a time.


What will happen to my student allowance while we are lockdown?


Current advice as at 24th March is that all student allowances will continue as long as you are meeting course requirements which means you are participating in the remote and online teaching sessions. If you have any other questions or concerns regarding your student loan or allowance please call StudyLink on 0800 88 99 00 or visit studylink.govt.nz


I am an International Student and my visa is expiring soon – what should I do?


Temporary visas are being automatically extended until late September. Please contact Immigration New Zealand for further information on 0508 225 288


Where can I get up-to-date information about COVID-19?


The best place for all COVID-19 information is the New Zealand Government website which you will find at: www.covid19.govt.nz


I am having IT issues, where can I go for help?


Contact our IT team through the student portal at mywhitecliffe.com


If you are having trouble logging in to mywhitecliffe email support@whitecliffe.ac.nz


I still have questions, who can I ask?


Please contact your tutor or lecturer. Even if they don’t have immediate answers, they can check in with our Emergency Response Team for support. Remember, we are all in this together and often learning as we go along especially as the situation is changing so rapidly.