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Whitecliffe campus access during Alert Level 3


Whitecliffe campus access during Alert Level 3

Following the move into COVID-19 Alert level 3, we are giving a small number of academic staff and students restricted access under strict conditions if materials, resources and equipment need to be collected. This only applies to course and programmes requirements that cannot be met through remote teaching.


Alert level 3 Arrangements


If you are required to access campus over the next couple of weeks our Academic staff will be in touch to confirm arrangements. To maintain physical distancing requirements you will be given a day and a time to visit campus. If for whatever reason you are unable to make your confirmed time please contact your Regional Manager as soon as possible so your slot can be made available to another student.


If you have questions about specific arrangements please don’t hesitate to get in contact.


Campus Access Plans


The following is a summary of our student access plans.


Please note that these planned activities and timelines will be reviewed and may be changed at short notice. We will do our very best to keep you updated if plans affecting you need to be changed.


Activity Programmes When
Contactless returns and collection of materials and/or approved equipment Art and Design

Fashion Tech

From 4 May
Students and staff access library books – contactless collection. Courier for postgraduate students only Art and Design From 11 May
Students access equipment on campus Art and Design –

PHM Y2 and Y3 (supervised scanning)

From 18 May – subject to Alert Level being at Level 2 from 18 May
Students complete practical lab-based assessments on campus Technology 4-8 May
Students complete practical sessions on campus Fashion Tech From 18 May – subject to Alert Level being at Level 2 from 18 May


Operational Procedures


When entering the campus all students must fill in the visitor logbook. There will be posters around the campus that will instruct you with what you need to do.


During your time on the campus, you must maintain physical distance, hand washing and regularly clean surfaces that you are working on.


If you have any contact with the identified Covid19 clusters around the country or are sick (with loss of smell, sore throat, fever, cough, cold) do not come to campus.


Please let us know if you have any questions about campus access.


He waka eke noa, we are all in this together.