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Vorakvong Chylong iD Emerging Designers Finalist

Fashion + Sustainability

Vorakvong Chylong iD Emerging Designers Finalist

Two Whitecliffe graduates are finalists in the iD International Emerging Designers Awards.


Vorakvong Chylong with the 2021 graduate collection 21st-Century Metropolis and Leonard Hill with his 2022 collection Laughing Gas.


This highly regarded international award is open to graduates only. The collections are shown at the iD Dunedin Fashion Show which is an industry event that is closed to the public.


Vorak made the move from Auckland to study and live in Wellington while pursuing a Diploma in Apparel + Fashion Technology at the Whitecliffe Wellington campus. 21st-Century Metropolis was his final works in completing the Diploma.


You might recognise the image, which was featured on the Whitecliffe 2022 Graduate showcase invitation.


21st-Century Metropolis by Vorakvong Chylong @Vorakobama

21st-Century Metropolis

Photographer: Big Mark & CO


21st-Century Metropolis is built upon the foundation of ideas of the progressive future of fashion. The outfits are made with recycled second-hand fabrics and textiles that have been found and collected through the past few years. Many of the materials are upcycled textiles like thrown-away rugs, curtains and wall hangings. Coming from a poor country like Cambodia, the designer brings a resourceful, hard-working and minimalistic ethos to his work, ideals instilled by his parents.


We asked Vorak what the nomination means to him and here’s what he had to say.


“I’d like to thank everybody who has been a part of my journey within the past few years, from my friends, tutors, peers, classmates from the previous years and current ones they all help motivate and inspired me to keep working.”


“How I feel about my collection as of right now is a bit more complex, looking at it retrospectively I wish I had a bit more time to polish up a few more things but I’m proud that this is just a part of my progression.”


“I would like to say a special thanks to my tutors from Whitecliffe, Javier Aranas, Jerome Taylor, Jess from Bizarre Bizarre, James Warrender and the people at Sector 22. They are all very inspiring people.”


Javier, Jerome and James are also alumni of Whitecliffe. In response to Vorak’s words Doula Matheos, Programme Leader Fashion Technology, Wellington wished to offer a comment. Doula’s reply;


“It has been engaging to watch Voraks’ unique design signature develop and grow throughout his time studying with us at Whitecliffe. Vorak was dedicated as a student with a genuine appetite for knowledge and this eager attitude led him to gain extensive work experience opportunities and connections with our supportive fashion industry. We have a strong alumni community, and our next generation of creatives play a supportive role in mentoring and encouraging our graduates transition into employment and their path through their own creative fashion journey.”


We look forward to seeing what the future brings.