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Returning to campus on June 2nd


Returning to campus on June 2nd

As we move to resume our on campus learning on the 2nd of June we wanted to remind everyone of the protocols for when you return to campus. Please remember that some courses will continue to be delivered remotely beyond the 2nd of June. Your Head of Department, Programme Director or Academic Leader should have been in touch to confirm your arrangements.


While on campus you must:


  • Sign in at reception before going to your classroom.
  • Adhere to strict public health control measures at all times, while on campus.
  • Practice physical distancing at all times.
  • Use the hand sanitizer/antibacterial wipes provided.
  • Each campus has specific protocols. These can be found on posters around the campus, for more information please speak to the Regional Managers onsite.
  • Along with our contact tracing, it’s important that you also keep a record of where you go and who you meet with.


Please note that afterhours access will be reviewed at level 1, if you need access earlier please contact your Head of Department, Programme Director or Academic Leader.


If you have had any contact with the identified Covid19 clusters around the country or are sick (with loss of smell, sore throat, fever, cough, cold) do not come to campus.


We ask for your continued support to ensure we can keep our Whitecliffe community safe.


He waka eke noa, we are all in this together.