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Press Release: Asia Pacific Education Purchases IT Tertiary Provider Computer Power Plus

Information Technology

Press Release: Asia Pacific Education Purchases IT Tertiary Provider Computer Power Plus

This purchase follows the 100% acquisition of Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design in July 2018, and directly preceding that, of NZ Fashion Tech Limited in 2017.


Feroz Ali, founder and CEO of APEDU which is based in Canada, now includes three New Zealand schools in his portfolio, alongside his Canadian tertiary schools: Canadian Tourism College, Sterling College and the Canadian Tourism & Hospitality Institute in the Philippines.


With the acquisition of CPP, Whitecliffe is positioned to contribute a solution to the rapidly-growing deficit in IT specialists. Skills across the digital spectrum are required in increasing volume by all industries if they intend to operate effectively in the 21st Century. The Whitecliffe vision and strategy is to be receptive to these demands and to provide an innovative, future-proof education for all its students. CPP programmes which include web development and design, software development, systems administration, IT technical support and network engineering are aligned not only to the changing needs of industry but also to positive employment outcomes for graduates.


With the amalgamation of the three schools, IT programmes now join the suite of arts and design programmes offered from Certificate to Postgraduate levels. Arts, Design and Digital Media, Fine Arts, Photo Media, Fashion Design, Graphic Design and Arts Therapy programmes offered through Whitecliffe and Fashion Technology through NZ Fashion Tech Ltd.


In the immediate future CPP and NZ Fashion Tech Limited will retain their identity under the Whitecliffe brand and with campuses across the country in Auckland Central, Manukau, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch students throughout New Zealand can now more easily access a Whitecliffe education.


Feroz Ali “I am a proud New Zealander with a commitment to maintaining the reputation for excellence achieved by Whitecliffe College and to elevating our IT programmes to degree and postgraduate qualifications, so they sit alongside the best. My intention is to establish three specialist Whitecliffe Colleges: Arts and Design, Fashion and Sustainability, and Technology and Innovation to ensure that Whitecliffe students continue to receive a specialist, relevant and contemporary education.”