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March + April Student Drop In Sessions


March + April Student Drop In Sessions

Date Time Event How to Connect
31st March 10am Drop in hosted by our Christchurch Pastoral Care Coordinator Ashyn Zoom: Drop in Session One
3rd April 11am Drop in hosted by our Auckland Pastoral Care Coordinator Eden Zoom: Drop in Session Two
7th April 12pm Drop in hosted by our Wellington Pastoral Care Coordinator Joanne Zoom: Drop in Session Three
9th April 1pm Drop in hosted by our Christchurch Pastoral Care Coordinator Ashyn Zoom: Drop in Session Four
15th April 2pm Drop in hosted by our Auckland Pastoral Care Coordinator Eden Zoom: Drop in Session Five
20th April 3pm Drop in hosted by our Wellington Pastoral Care Coordinator Joanne Zoom: Drop in Session Six
23rd April 4pm Drop in hosted by our Christchurch Pastoral Care Coordinator Ashyn Zoom: Drop in Session Seven


Make a coffee, reconnect, ask any questions you have, let us know what support you need or simply pop in to say hello. Feel free to drop in to any and / or all sessions no matter what region you are based in.


The next session is: