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Getting ready for studying online


Getting ready for studying online

While Auckland is in Level 3 lockdown, your course work will need to be delivered online.


Most of you will have already experienced completing classes and course work in Level 4 and 3 through a distance learning component. With the exception of Technology courses where it is predominantly online content – we are not talking exclusively about online learning – rather distance learning with online support. Much of what you will be doing over the next few weeks will not be on a device, but what you might have been doing had you been able to come to classes or seminars.


Some of you might have already heard from your tutors, lecturers, HoDs or Programme Directors about how course content and activities will be shared with you and how you can contribute, participate and respond. Your HoD, Programme Director, Academic Leader, lecturers and tutors will be your first points of contact regarding your course delivery.


If you have any technology needs please let your lecturer or tutor know.


Attendance and progress


As always, please make the most of the opportunities offered to you during your studies. Full attendance and participation places you in the best possible position to succeed.


Your attendance at scheduled sessions and completion of course activities is expected and required. Maintain your study hours. Just as if you were attending classes on campus, lecturers and tutors will maintain attendance records and you must let faculty know if you are unable to attend for any reason. Tutors and lecturers will be tracking your progress via your attendance, participation, progress with online tasks and assignments as always.



Your lecturers and tutors will be available to support your studies. The Library staff are also online to offer research and academic study skills support and to help you navigate online resources. Contact IT Support if you need assistance with your connectivity or devices.


Handy COVID-19 Whitecliffe links: