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COVID-19: How Stage 4 will impact Whitecliffe


COVID-19: How Stage 4 will impact Whitecliffe

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23/03/2020 PRESS RELEASE: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern this afternoon announced that New Zealand is now placed at level 3 and moving to level 4 within 48 hours.


Whitecliffe campuses around the country will be closed to students from 11:59pm tonight (24/03), and will remain so for the four-week minimum self-isolation period that has been announced.

Whitecliffe management suspended teaching yesterday for two weeks, we are taking this time to prepare teaching to recommence in three weeks’ time online.


What does Stage 4 mean for New Zealand:


  • Non-essential businesses must close – pools, bars, cafes, restaurants, playgrounds
  • In 48 hours all businesses which provide takeaway services must close their doors
  • All indoor and outdoor events cannot proceed
  • Schools will be closed from tomorrow except to the children of essential services such as doctors, police, ambo drivers. This will give them time to plan
  • Schools will close entirely from midnight Wednesday
  • People must work from home so contact with others is limited
  • Public transport will begin to transition over the next 48 hours. It will remain for essential workers and transporting freight

On Sunday the 22nd of March, Whitecliffe also suspended all travel for our Masters and Post Graduate Art Therapy courses and gathering of staff of more than 10 people.


We appreciate that this is a stressful and confusing time for many members of our Whitecliffe community, and that you may have some unanswered questions around COVID-19, the action steps the school is putting in place, and the impact that this may have on your education.


Please be assured, we are doing everything we can to minimise any impact and to ensure you can continue with your programme of study over the next month where this is possible.


If you have a specific concern, please reach out to us by email at info@whitecliffe.ac.nz or flick us a message on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and we will do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible.