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2022 at Whitecliffe


2022 at Whitecliffe

Red light at Whitecliffe


We are pleased that all campus-based activities including student orientation and scheduled classes are going ahead in 2022 under the red light setting of the COVID-19 protection framework.


Whitecliffe confirms that all students, staff, contractors, and visitors will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as we have a responsibility to provide the safest environment possible, especially for those that are considered vulnerable.


We commit to reviewing our covid policy monthly, with a full review at the end of March to consider new information, alternative testing and vaccination options. There are also multiple steps in place to smoothly transition into remote learning environments if this is required in the future.


What’s new in 2022?


We are incredibly proud to announce our two new NZQA approved level 7 Bachelor qualifications:

  • Bachelor of Design + Digital Media (Level 7, 360 credits)
  • Bachelor of Sustainable Fashion Design (Level 7, 360 credits)


These degrees have been developed in response to in-depth consultation across industry, alumni, and students.

Enrolments for the February 2022 intake is open now, find more information here


Why choose Whitecliffe?

  • You will become a stand-out thinker, innovator and collaborator.
  • We encourage our passionate students to turn their talents into a lifelong career and explore what they’re capable of.
  • Our programmes integrate workplace experience, industry practice and interactions with practicing professionals.
  • We are focused on bringing the industry to the classroom with live briefs/projects to give you real world experience while you study.
  • The Whitecliffe Library has an extensive collection of print and audio resources.


Cultivate your talents, build new skills and Create Meaningful Change.