George Tongariro

Lecturer, School of Information Technology

School of Information Technology

George has been teaching Information Technology (IT) within the tertiary sector for the last 20 years, He has been working at Whitireia Community Polytechnic, Tai Poutini Polytechnic, and now Whitecliffe. He will complete his Masters in IT in 2022.

George has been teaching Information Technology (IT) within the tertiary sector for the last 20 years, He has been working at Whitireia Community Polytechnic, Tai Poutini Polytechnic, and now Whitecliffe. My Passion is seeing all students grow and become IT Professionals. George will complete his Masters in IT in 2022. George has a wide variety of skills and research areas have been in Building Cultural Capacity and capability of indigenous peoples Māori and Pasifika. His passions outside of work includes fishing, diving, motorcycle riding for charity and a White Ribbon Rider, and tripping around New Zealand.

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