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Frequent asked questions

I want to change an elective – how do I do that?

Students have one week after the start of the academic year to change electives without charge but must stay with their first term’s allocated elective. Thereafter any changes are made in the final week of Terms Two and Three. All enrolments and changes are made with the Undergraduate Programme Co-ordinator. Elective changes incur an administrative charge of $40 per elective change and this is payable upon submission of the change of elective form to the Admissions Office.

Where is the Whitecliffe Library now?

Located on Level 14 at the Symonds St Campus, and open Monday to Thursday from 8.30am to 4.30pm, Friday from 8.30 to 12.30.  From here, you can borrow books, access international databases, and get help from our library staff.

I’ve had a recent change of address – what should I do?

If you change your address during your study please ensure that you complete a change of address form (available from Reception).

Can I get a student loan?

Student loans are administered by StudyLink. If you have any queries regarding your loan, or in the event of StudyLink requesting additional information, please check with Student Finance who will be tracking the progress of your loan. StudyLink also administer student allowances, and Student Finance is available to help with queries and progress reports.

What does ‘Fees Free’ really mean?

Fees Free is eligible for domestic students who may be able to access the government fees free scheme which provides for a year of fees free tertiary education. Eligibility for fees-free is checked at enrolment by entering a student NSI number at www.fees-freefree.govt.nz. the terms and conditions of the fees free scheme are set by the New Zealand Government, and this will determine whether you are eligible or not.

I’m worried that my class attendance might affect my grades, should I be?

Regular attendance at class is an important component for success in tertiary studies, and we want to help you get the best from your course. Please refer to programme guidelines for specific attendance requirements.

Regular attendance at class is an important component for a successful learning experience. Certain programmes at Whitecliffe have specific attendance requirements. These requirements will be advised to you at the start of your programme. It is your responsibility to comply with the programme attendance requirements.

I actually want to withdrawal and get a refund – what should I do?

The student cancellation and refund policy information is provided to students prior to enrolment and is reproduced in the Student Handbook. You can download the Student Handbook here.

I’m interested in transferring schools and having my credits recognised, how do I get that process started?

Whitecliffe operates a Credit Recognition and Recognition of Prior Learning to ensure that credit may be granted to any learner holding credit or demonstrated competency in component(s) of the programme. Enrolling students who are already credited with NZQA courses included in their qualification are invited to present their NZQA Record of Achievement (or alternative awarding body) to the Admissions Advisor.

We will review the documentation and, onprovision of clear evidence of existing credit, the relevant courses will be transferred directly to your College Academic Transcript and a file copy of the evidence retained.

Students applying for cross credits or credit transfer must make an application on the form available from the Admissions Advisor at the time of enrolment. The cost for this process is $100 (incl GST) per application. Please note that there are limits to the amount of cross credits or credit transfers that can be granted on any qualification. Please discuss this with the Admissions Advisor and refer back Student Handbook.

Is there a Code of Conduct at Whitecliffe?

There is! Whitecliffe College operates a busy, safeand respectful environment for all our students, staff and visitors. Quite simply, the Whitecliffe Student Code of Conduct requires that everyone behaves as they would in a respectful employment or career situation. We require you to demonstrate attitudes and behaviours in keeping with the expectations of the professional worlds of creativity and innovation. Please read the Student Handbook for key requirements.

Does Whitecliffe offer counselling services?

Students have access to counsellors by referral. Up to three counselling sessions per year are paid for by Whitecliffe. Further sessions are at the student’s expense and by arrangement. This is a confidential service.

Please see the Pastoral Care team for further information. If you are an international student and have language difficulties, we are able to call on translators to help with discussions on important issues. There is no cost to our students for this service.