August 21 Open Day: Wellington Fashion Tech

Register for the Whitecliffe Wellington Fashion Tech Campus Open Day on Friday, August 21st 2020 to ensure you have the knowledge to make an informed decision about your tertiary study options.

Date & time

21 • 08 • 20 10:00 AM—2:00 PM


Level 4, Ranchhod Tower - 110, Lambton Quay, Wellington City, 6011, New Zealand View map

The New Zealand Fashion industry has found itself lacking skilled machinists, pattern makers, knitters, embroiderers and the like. But, there’s plenty of work to go around.

Make sure you have the knowledge to make an informed decision about your future career. Whitecliffe Fashion Tech creates graduates with the core skills currently needed in the fashion industry. Textile, apparel and production technology, specification sheet production, CAD/CAM, and advanced skills in pattern making and garment construction.

On the day, you will learn about:

  • The Certificate in Apparel + Fashion Technology
  • The Certificate in Apparel + Fashion Technology – Patternmaking
  • Diploma in Apparel + Fashion Technology
  • Career opportunities within the fashion industries

The Open Day will include a tour of the campus, drinks and snacks with current students who are also studying at Fashion Tech.

Spaces are limited so bookings are essential.

Register below for the Wellington Fashion Tech Open Day:

Talk to our team

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If you would like to ask us a question or request more information, please detail your enquiry using the form below. If you would like you can contact us directly on 0800 800 300, email us or use the contact us form.

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Apply online today to study at New Zealand's leading private Arts, Design Fashion and Technology school, producing the highest quality graduates and shaping exceptional creative citizens.