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Dr Deborah Green

Deborah Green, Head of School, Creative Arts Therapies, Faculty, employee, staff, Whitecliffe, team, member

Dr Deborah Green

Head of School

Creative Art Therapies

She began her career of interwoven arts, education and health in South Africa. Within the South African University and Health sectors (1990 to 2004) she studied Drama Studies, lectured, worked in educational/community theatre, and community development, then gained a Masters in Adult Education, lectured, and worked in lifeskills and HIV/AIDS education and counselling. Upon arrival in Aotearoa, New Zealand, she trained as an Arts Therapist through Whitecliffe.

She was awarded her PhD by the University of Auckland in 2016 for an arts-based autoethnographic thesis exploring her arts therapy practice during the Canterbury earthquakes. She is an ardent advocate of arts-based practices, supervises masters and PhD/Prof Doc students at various institutions, is co-editor for the academic journal JoCAT, has published on various aspects of her creative arts therapy/research work in a range of academic journals and books and has presented at conferences/symposia in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States.

She began her career of interwoven arts, education and health in South Africa. Within the South African University and Health sectors (1990 to 2004) she studied Drama Studies, lectured, worked in educational/community theatre, and community development, then gained a Masters in Adult Education, lectured, and worked in lifeskills and HIV/AIDS education and counselling. Upon arrival in Aotearoa, New Zealand, she trained as an Arts Therapist through Whitecliffe.

She was awarded her PhD by the University of Auckland in 2016 for an arts-based autoethnographic thesis exploring her arts therapy practice during the Canterbury earthquakes. She is an ardent advocate of arts-based practices, supervises masters and PhD/Prof Doc students at various institutions, is co-editor for the academic journal JoCAT, has published on various aspects of her creative arts therapy/research work in a range of academic journals and books and has presented at conferences/symposia in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Additional Information


Green, D. (2024). An Exquisite Corpse. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, (9)1.


Evans, B., Green, D., Marks, K. & Tapper, H. (2023). Day in, day out: A contemplation of daily practice. JoCAT, (18)2.


Green, D. (2023). Explore: Arts-based research and creative arts therapy. JoCAT.


Green, D. (2023). Editorial – Playing string figures and CAT’s cradles: An edition of embodied entanglements. JoCAT.


Green, D. (2022). Abr+a: the arts of making-sense – the discourse of dragons. In R. Yılmaz & B.Koç (Eds.), Narrative Theory and Therapy in the Post-Truth Era (259-299). IGI-Global.


Green, D., & Tapper, H. (2022). Rupture and Repair: Perilous Relationality within Arts-based Autoethnographic Supervision Remembering our Symposium Presentation. Proceedings of the 2022 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative, International Association of Autoethnography and Narrative Inquiry


Green, D., Dalton, H., Lawson, W., Marks, K., Richardson, A., & Tapper, H. (2022). Once upon a glowing rabbit story that leads home. JoCAT, (17)1.


Green, D., Levey, A., & Dalton, H. (2022): Creative encounters: exploring contact boundaries through the creative process. Person Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies. DOI: 10.1080/14779757.2022.2066565


Green, D., Levey, A., Evans, B., Lawson, W. & Marks, K. (2022). The arts of making-sense in uncertain times: arts-based research and autoethnography. In H. Kara & S. Khoo (Eds.), Qualitative and digital research in times of crisis: methods, reflexivity, and ethics (pp. 59-77). Policy Press.


Green, D. (2021). Enduring liminality: creative arts therapy when nature disrupts. Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), (13)(1): 71-91.


Green, D. (2020). Mortification meanderings: Contemplating ‘vulnerability with purpose’ in arts therapy education. The Arts in Psychotherapy (68).


Green. D. (2019). Communitas and soul-healing: arts therapy within the loss-upon-loss of natural disaster. In M. J. M. Wood, B, Jacobson, & H. Cridford (Eds.), The international handbook of art therapy in palliative and bereavement care (pp. 340-356). New York & Oxon: Routledge.


Green, D. (2018). Arts Therapy, Imagical Play, and Trauma: Exploring Arts Therapy during the Canterbury Earthquakes. The International Journal of the Arts in Society: Annual Review, (13)1.


Green, D. (2018). Making-sense of poietic presense in arts therapy and education. Creative Arts in Education and Therapy 4(2):139–148 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2018/4/21


Green, D. (2018). Reclaiming messy-mudpies & magic through poiesis, education & arts therapy. The International Journal of Arts in Education (IJAE), Special Multi-Journal Edition titled: Global Narratives in Art Education, 31-57.


Green, D., & Evans, B. (2018). Kites and shaking hearts in the rubble. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Arts Therapy, 13(1&2), 35-46.


Green, D., Pears-Scown, N., Weir, M., Csata, I., Heney, R., McGeever, M., Lambert, R., Marks, K., & Wang, I. (2018). The arts of making sens/e. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Arts Therapy, 12(1), 112-130.


Green, D. (2017). Quake destruction/arts creation: arts therapy and the Canterbury earthquakes. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Arts Therapy, 12(1), 40-45.


Green, D. (2017). Imagical play: arts therapy and trauma. In P. O’Connor & C. Rozas Gómez (Eds.), Playing with possibilities (pp.200-222). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Green, D. (2015). Exploring and sharing arts therapy experiences through fiction-based research. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Arts Therapy, 10(1), 33-42.


Green, D. (2015). Quake destruction/arts creation: arts therapy and the Canterbury earthquakes (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of Auckland, New Zealand.


Green, D. (2012). Clearing a space. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Arts Therapy, 7(1), 42-51.


Conferences and symposia:


ITAC7, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand, September 2024. Presentation: Something more… with|in arts-based assessments.


CAE, Melbourne, Australia, September 2023. Presentation: Aro-Ha: Love, attentiveness, breath within Creative Arts Therapy research.


ICQI, Champagne-Urbana, Illinois, USE, May 2023. Presentation: Riding the dragon: Precarious poietics of abr+a.


The Critical Autoethnography Conference – Turning the Compost, Gold Coast, Australia, September 2022. Collaborative presentation with Hilary Tapper: The dragon’s turn: sympoietic-praxis, diffraction, reflexivity and creative arts therapy.


The 14th International Poetry Inquiry Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2022.  Presentation/workshop: Abr+a: The arts of making sense.


The 2022 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative, International Association of Autoethnography and Narrative Inquiry, Online, January 2022. Presentation 1: Rupture and perilous relationality within arts-based autoethnographic supervision. Presentation 2: The discourse of dragons: abr+a and creative arts therapy.


The Critical Autoethnography Conference, Online, October 2021. Presentation: The Scarcity Gargoyle.


The ANZACATA International Arts Therapy Symposium, Brisbane, October 2019, Brisbane, Australia. Coordinated and copresenting a participatory session alongside eight students from the Whitecliffe Master of Arts in Arts Therapy programme: ABR+A: The arts of knowing.


The Inaugural British Association of Art Therapy and American Art Therapy Association Research/Therapy Conference, July 2019, London, UK. Training workshop: ABR+A: The Arts of Making Sense.


The Arts in Society International Conference, July 2018, Vancouver, Canada. Presentation/workshop: Arts Therapy, Imagical Play, and Trauma: Exploring Arts Therapy during the Canterbury Earthquakes.


ANZATA International Conference, December 2017, Melbourne, Australia. Presentation leading seven Masters Students: The Arts of Making Sense.


ANZATA International Symposium, November 2016, Christchurch, New Zealand. Key Note Address, with Bettina Evans: Kites & Shaking Hearts in the Rubble.


International Applied Theatre Symposium, November 2015, University of Auckland, Auckland. Presentation: Offering hope to silent voices: Giving an arts-based voice to tacit knowledge.


ANZATA International Symposium, October 2014, Lasalle, Singapore. Presentation: Enduring liminality: Mindful playing in the ruins of the Canterbury Quakes. 


ANZATA/CTAA National Symposium, October 2013, Whitecliffe College, Auckland. Presentation: A/r/tography and arts-based research: being present in Multiplicity.


ANZATA International Conference, October 2013, University of Western Sydney, Australia. Presentation: When your present and my past collide: Arts Therapy and troubled Boundaries.


ANZATA International Conference, October 2011, Brisbane. Presentation: Quake Destruction / Arts Creation.