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Whitecliffe student projects sweep up at 2019 Best Awards

Design Innovation

Whitecliffe student projects sweep up at 2019 Best Awards

Two of the Gold Awards went to recent graduate Wayne Shih – one for the typeface and publication of his New Zealand Mapping Service he designed as part of his graduating year projects. The other for his Kōrero book project designed with Sabah Rahman.


The third Gold Award was to BFA graduate and current MFA student Ken Khun for the exhibition project he did with lecturer Giles Peterson last year.

Students Kati Paton, Kayleigh Bartleet, Sydney Plested

The DINZ Best Awards are a celebration of Aotearoa design, with over 1200 entries nominated from across nine categories from New Zealand and Australia.


The awards this year saw a whopping 13 Whitecliffe student projects nominated as finalists in the awards. For the full list of finalists, see below:


Nga Aho Student category

  • Wayne Shih and Sabah Rahman: Kōrero

Interactive Student category

  • Lane Le Prevost-Smith, Wayne Shih, Shizune Yamashita: gd18exhibition.com

Graphic Design Student category

  1. Wayne Shih: New Zealand Space Commission Kōmihana Tuarangi o Aotearoa
  2. Wayne Shih: New Zealand Mapping Service
  3. Wayne Shih and Sabah Rahman: Kōrero
  4. Lane Le Prevost-Smith, Wayne Shih, Shizune Yamashita: GD18
  5. Kay Tasma: In Theory, & So
  6. Kay Tasma: Copy
  7. Katie Paton: Why does rap hate women
  8. Katie Paterson: Instrument of Freedom
  9. Kayleigh Bartleet: Altered States
  10. Sydney Plested: Overflow
  11. Ken Khun: Aupuni Mō‘ī o Hawai‘i / Kingdom of Hawai‘i