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Start your Certificate or Degree in Information Technology, Design, Fashion or Fine Arts.
Intake open now, apply before 7th March 2025.

International Students

Specific Entry Requirements for Admission to Whitecliffe Programmes

Each Whitecliffe programme has its own set of entry requirements based on academic qualifications, portfolios, work experience, and English language proficiency. Please review the specific requirements for the programme you wish to apply for, as these can vary across our diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate programmes.

Academic entry requirements

English language entry requirements for international students

If you require assistance with understanding the entry requirements or need support with your application, please contact our team at:

Email: international@whitecliffe.ac.nz
Phone: +64 9 601 8949 or 0800 800 300

If you require assistance with entry requirements or your application to enrol, contact one of our international team members:

Local International Business Consultant:

Jeffrey Yap
Email: JeffreyY@whitecliffe.ac.nz
Landline:+64 9 601 8949
Reception: 0800 800 300

Asia Region – International Recruitment Manager:

May Chi
Email: mayc@whitecliffe.ac.nz
Mobile phone: +64 27 2574187

India Subcontinent – International Recruitment Manager:

Harjinder Sadra
Email: harjinders@whitecliffe.ac.nz
Mobile phone: +64 21 1006651

Brazil + LATAM – Regional Marketing Representative:

Fernanda Lassala
Email: fernandal@whitecliffe.ac.nz
Mobile phone: +55 11 997934576

Colombia + LATAM – Regional Marketing Representative:

Daniela Atencia
Email: DanielaA@whitecliffe.ac.nz
Mobile phone: +57 324 4260767